
Churches Together in Felixstowe is a visible sign of the churches commitment to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another, and proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service. Its strength comes through people from different traditions finding new ways to work and worship together.

We come together for several events each year, as well as supporting each other in prayer throughout the year.

Churches Together Activities

FORUM – A informal evening where the churches meet to hear about what’s going on in our town and to worship and pray together. We also hold our AGM in the May Forum.

UNITED SERVICE – A night of praise and thanksgiving held in January each year which is part of the internationally marked Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (locally called Unity Week).

EASTER SERVICES –  Every Easter we hold a joint Good Friday service in the town centre, we also have a sunrise service held on the seafront on Easter Sunday.

PRAISE ON THE PROM – A joint service held in the spa gardens during the summer.


Moderator – Rev. Penny Brinkley – moderator@churchestogetherfelixstowe.org

Deputy Moderator –

Secretary – Mrs S Hockenhull, – secretary@churchestogetherfelixstowe.org

Treasurer – Mrs A Barbrook, – treasurer@churchestogetherfelixstowe.org

Committee members – Jean Macpherson, Angela Ashby & Brian Cutler

If you would like to join the committee then please contact us.

Churches Together in Felixstowe is affliliated to Churches together in Suffolk and Churches Together in England and is governed by its own constitution and aims. Click on the link below to view its Covenant and Constitution.