Felixstowe Seafarers’ Centre
Did you know that Felixstowe is the largest container port in Great Britain, that it handles 42% of all UK container trade and our imports and exports travel to and from 700 ports across the world?
Christian Ministry to seafarers visiting the Port starts with hospitality and welcome. By expressing Faith in acts of practical service, our small team of chaplains and ship visitors offers friendship, pastoral care, prayer and worship. Newly on board is Anglican Port Chaplain Father David Simpson, who joins Catholic Chaplain Julian Wong, the Centre Staff and a team of volunteer drivers. Father David comes with 16 years’ experience as a Chaplain in the Royal Navy so is very familiar with the demands of being at sea and the importance of hospitality. Offering a welcoming space of warmth, friendship and acceptance is one of sure sign of the Kingdom (Matt 25) and Christians in the area can enable it to happen, where a little help can make a big difference. Would you like to come on board? If you’d like to find out more, click on the link to see what we’re planning. If you’d like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you.