We welcomed Steve Lineham to lead prayers for our local Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre this month. Rick Taylor was unable to come as he was visiting a client – such is the demand now for local CAP services. Here are Steve’s slides, which gave us background information to pray for as well as items for prayer. Please feel free to share them in your churches, prayer groups and house groups and use them in private prayer. We start with a video which we hope will encourage and inspire you. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for news of prayers in September.
First of all, let’s give thanks for what CAP is doing nationally and inform ourselves of some of the causes and impacts of poverty on people’s lives. We thank God for the lives that are being changed as a result of CAP’s work.

This is what Felixstowe CAP Debt Centre is involved with at the moment.

Please pray for the following people and needs:

Please pray too for CAP Headquarters as it moves forwards.

If you would like to contact CAP then call 0800 328 0006