In March we had Andrew Jarrold, representing Churches Together in Suffolk. Andrew talked about some county-wide activities and intitiatives that we in Felixstowe can be and should be associated with. We will give you more information on these in the coming weeks, so please keep looking at this page and look in our social media.
Lightwave is a county-wide Christian group meeting throughout the county in small groups based in homes, pubs, schools and other places that works alongside more traditional church. Do check out their website and pray for their activities.
Suffolk in Prayer is very much linked to Lightwave and is a movement of Christians praying for the people and places in this county. We often post prayer materials from Suffolk in Prayer on our social media and it’s a great opportunity to join with other sin the county to both pray for our area, but to also pray for some of the great issues in our nation and world.
The Big Suffolk Prayer Walk is a county-wide prayer walk to be held between 22nd and 24th April 2022. We will post more on this as we get it but it’s an opportunity, to pray with others for our locality and our county. Details are on and you register oyur interest with them by email.
Churches Together in Suffolk will be having a tent at the Suffolk Show and we will be giving more information out nearer the time. Here’s some general blurb about the show Please pray for this as plans are being put together for this outreach.
Another initiative associated with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is The Suffolk Blessing. Details can be found here:
Andrew left us with by sharing the Ipswich Blessing which we will bless you with below.